Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mount Kimbie - Crooks and Lovers

Mount Kimbie - Crooks and Lovers
Electronic / Dubstep

1. Tunnelvision
2. Would Know
3. Before I Move Off
4. Blind Night Errand

5. Adriatic
6. Carbonated
7. Ruby
8. Ode to Bear
9. Field
10. Mayor

11. Between Time


Unfortunately only the promo is available right now, with Hotflush voice-overs, but I suggest you grab it anyways. It sounds like Mount Kimbie have diverged a little from the ambient, warm dubstep sound that made them famous; this album's production is definitely colder and crisper, and the sub-bass is much more subdued than before. The album isn't perfect, but at it's high points it's beautifully restrained, infectious, and extremely creative. If 'Field' isn't an homage to The Field, it sure as hell sounds like one. And I can't think of better cutting of a vocal sample than what MK accomplish on 'Before I Move Off.' That song and 'Carbonated' are probably my favorites, but it's still early and I'll be listening to this one for a while.

Mount Kimbie - Carbonated

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