Saturday, September 18, 2010

Review: The Walkmen - Lisbon

The Walkmen Lisbon (2010)
Indie, Rock

1. Juveniles
2. Angela Surf City
3. Follow The Leader
4. Blue As Your Blood
5. Stranded
6. Victory
7. All My Great Designs
8. Woe Is Me
9. Torch Song
10. While I Shovel The Snow
11. Lisbon


The Walkmen's "The Rat" is one of my guilty pleasure songs. If I found it at a karaoke bar, you can bet it'd be near the top of my list. It's got tons of energy, it's fun to sing, and it's just as fun to watch it performed. "Angela Surf City" impresses for the same reasons, and kicks Lisbon off to a great start. It's quite obvious, though, that if I judged Lisbon that way I'd be missing the point by quite a large margin. Lisbon is a good album because it's timeless. Hamilton Leithauser has a great voice, and the production is top-notch. The album has it's energetic moments, but what's important is the refinement that's heard from start to finish. The melodies are stripped down to their essentials--perhaps too much at times, but generally to great effect. These songs may not catch you at first, but they'll never fail to provide a good listen. "Angela Surf City" may stand out, but it's "Torch Song" that really reflects the simple and mature song-writing that lies at the heart of Lisbon.


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